Yogscast Wiki
Yogscast Wiki

The bridge was breaking. The king sounded a retreat, but it was too late. The monsters hemmed them in on both sides, preventing them from escaping their doom. The knights tried their hardest, but there just wasn’t enough time. As the bridge fell into the lava below, the warriors gave into their fate and grabbed those enemies nearest to them, bringing them to their doom as well.

Few survived the catalyst that had claimed an entire kingdom, but survive they did. One was the son of the champion, his father having gone down under the relentless blows of the endermen. Another was a visiting elven archer, who had kept out of reach and snipped those she could. A few of the younger warriors remained as well, having been kept out of the fight by those concerned for their safety. When day came and the creatures of the night burned away, the survivors came out of hiding and began to salvage everything they could find. Supplied with food, armor, weapons, and tools, they left, with a promise to return someday and reclaim what their ancestors had died to protect.

Several years later, a small ragtag group struggled up the mountain. Their leader, a fair haired boy with a giant sword strapped to his back, dropped back to help up one who had fallen. A boy in a full suit of armor stopped by them, “How much longer?” he huffed.

Several years later, a small ragtag group struggled up the mountain. Their leader, a fair haired boy with a giant sword strapped to his back, dropped back to help up one who had fallen. A boy in a full suit of armor stopped by them, “How much longer, Horus?” he huffed. Horus shrugged and replied “As long as it takes us. I estimate about 300 more blocks, but old maps can be pretty inaccurate.” The armored boy sighed, “Ugh. So when do we take a break?” A raven haired girl with a pointy hat laughed and proceeded to turn to a gray and white cat walking beside her “Unknown, what do you think? Should we take a break?” The cat promptly sat and began washing her paw. Horus walked up “Does that mean we need to take a bath?” The girl laughed again, and turned to Horus. “Where in the world did you learn to speak cat? You must have had the worst teacher ever! Unknown said that there is cave a little ways away where we can settle down for the night.” Horus raised an eyebrow, “You have got to teach me to speak cat sometime, Amber.”

Thanks for the suggestion Elite!
