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Here she is. My pride and joy. Ladies and gentlemen, the final part in the True Tekkit Trilogy (say that 5 times fast :P).

Part 0 (last season recap):[]

It had been 6 months since the disaster that was the destruction of the second Tekkit server. The tension between Honeydew Inc (Simon, Lewis, and Duncan) and SipsCo (Sips, Sjin, and Minty) on the new server were at an all-time high. In order to prevent a new war akin to the disaster of the first Tekkit server, Rythian offers to mediate a discussion so the two warring companies can settle their differences. However, Teep, the destroyer of the previous world and Rythian's former friend and bodyguard, kidnapped Rythian before he could return home. Rythian's apprentice and girlfriend Zoey was forced to mediate in his stead while their coworkers at the company Inthelittlecorp, Martyn and Toby, searched for Rythian.

Lewis's girlfriend Hannah and her friend Nilesy, the owners of Lombucket Industries, searched for Rythian as well. While they were searching, they come across Skylord Valetius, a member of the previous server. Nilesy then remembers how there was once another member of the previous server, Maide, who is unaccounted for. Realizing that Teep has also been absent as well, Hannah and Nilesy suspect that Maide and Teep have teamed up. Worried by this, they rush off to warn others about this, starting with Honeydew Inc/SipsCo.

Zoey had successfully mediated the discussions between the feuding companies. However, the Honeydew Inc factory suddenly burst into flames. Nilesy and Hannah arrived seconds later to warn them about the possible partnership, although they realized there efforts were now futile. Maide then announces to the whole server that he and Teep have kidnapped Rythian and destroyed Honeydew Inc, and harm will come to the server if Sjin, Duncan, Zoey, Rythian, Sips, Minty, Lewis, Simon, and Hannah don't turn themselves in to Teep and Maide. After mentally preparing themselves and Hannah giving Nilesy encouragement to fight, they go to Teep's base (the coordinates being given to them by an anonymous tip shortly after the announcement was made).

Zoey: That bit seems to have been omitted in the last story.

Rythian: Zoey! You're not supposed to talk during this part!

Zoey: (embarrassed) Sorry.

Rythian: It's okay. You can talk afterwords.

Anyway, the group goes to find Rythian in the base. When they enter the room where Rythian is tied up, the door shuts behind them. Teep sets up the room so 50 nukes explode in it. Sjin suddenly gets scared, saying this won't kill them. He tells everyone to stick together. However, some of them panic, and Minty injures herself, causing Duncan and Hannah to break away to help her. The nukes go off.

Beforehand, Ridgedog had hacked the server. It was originally Feed the Beast. However, Ridgedog hacked it so Equivalent Exchange could be in it as well. This caused the stream of time to become weak. The time stream was further weakened by the nukes going off. This sent Sips and Sjin to the first Tekkit Server, Duncan, Hannah, and Minty to the second Tekkit Server, Rythian and Zoey to the Shadow of Israphel Server, and Lewis and Simon to Sips and Sjin's Vanilla server. It also opened a gateway to the third Tekkit Server to evil Spacemen counterparts to many Yogscast members. Sjin knew about this from a book in Rythian's old library that focused on alternate dimensions, especially methods involving explosions.

Sips and Sjin decided to go and see the past Duncan, who figured he could find a way to send them back and wipe his own memory afterwards. He told Sips and Sjin to hide in a cave while he built the portal. However, Sjin sees his past self building the pipeline that would be used to drain materials from Duncan's house, causing the first Tekkit War. Convinced by Sips, Sjin decided to come up with a plan to stop himself, and needs Sips to come up with a plan. After many comical failures, Sips realizes that the timeline is best left unchanged. However, Sjin, obsessed with getting back to Minty, won't hear it, and he and Sips have a falling-out. After a dream sequence and Nick Cage, they reconcile, and Duncan sends them to the future. They don't get sent back to the future, but rather to Shadow of Israphel, where they proceed to follow Rythian and Zoey.

Meanwhile, Rythian and Zoey awake to find themselves in the cursed desert. They look for any civilization until they find Verigan's hold. After a disastrous encounter with Templar Adaephon, Rythian and Zoey find Lewis, Simon, and KP and resolve to follow them. They go through the sentinel after them, and at the point where KP falls to his death, Zoey goes in and saves him. After reviving KP, they follow the heroes out of the Sentinel. Soon, Sips and Sjin make themselves known to the three. Sips ends up getting radiation poisoning, they get swarmed with zombies, and just after healing Sips, they run into Israphel. After a brief fight, Sjin tries to sacrifice himself so the others can escape. However, KP keeps Israphel at bay long enough so they can escape to the Nether.

Zoey: That plot was basically just humorous filler and a tie-in to a potential spin-off. It wasn't that good.

Rythian gives her a death glare.

Zoey: (embarrassed) Sorry again.

Hannah, Duncan, and Minty travel the second server, looking for someplace to rest. They end up finding Blackrock back when it was cobblestone. Hannah and Minty go mining while Duncan attends to some business. While looking at a picture of Sips and Sjin, Minty starts to see Sjin disappearing. Hannah leaves her in the mine (where she has an unexpected run-in with the past Sjin in the Honeydew Inc quarries). Hannah goes up to find Duncan was filling Rythian's condenser with dirt, which would cause war. Hannah is furious with him. Because of this, as well as seeing Rythian after being abandoned by Zoey, he starts to loathe what he has become. He and Hannah search for Minty (who has been forgotten during this whole ordeal). After finding Minty near SipsCo, the trio decide to go to the Nether to collect glowstone.

Lewis and Simon enter fort Crappington/Beaverdale. They spend about 4 months in there trying to hide. When they return, they find Sips by the Pit of Doom. Simon accidentally knocks Sips into a lava pool at the bottom, killing him. Lewis freaks out, but Simon then realizes that Sips died in this universe and became a ghost. Lewis is still furious. Later on, they follow Sips and Sjin to the Beafather's house. Shortly after Sips and Sjin depart for the Nether, they end up trapped upstairs while the Beafather arrives with his friends for cards. Lewis tells Simon while they're trapped of his insecurities of leading Simon onwards from here, and how he doesn't know how to handle this situation. Around this time, the Beafather finds out about Lewis and Simon. Despite Simon's confessions moving them to tears, Lewis causes the Beaver Mafia to chase them into the Nether.

Back in the present, Nilesy breaks free from the prison made for him by Maide and Teep. He resolves to save Strippin from his prison, for he thinks Strippin would make a better leader. In order to do so, he needs to save the others on the server, starting with Benji, Strippin's partner at their company RailBros. With RailBros as their headquarters, Nilesy saves Gamechap, Bertie, Martyn, Toby, Zylus, Daltos, and Ravs with some help from his old friend HybridPanda, who was emailed by Martyn to come help him. Nilesy became known for using his bucket to save the day almost every time. Teep and Maide have fought back as well. They've recruited Skylord Valetius (who wants revenge on Nilesy for stealing from him). They've also gotten the Spacemen from an alternate dimension to help them attain power.

However, Teep realized that the power they will receive will result in the destruction of the server, something he doesn't want. He's started to see the error of his ways. Eventually, he formed an alliance with the spaceman version of Zoey to help him stop Maide and the spacemen.

When Nilesy's rebellion makes an attempt to attack the tower where Strippin's being held (which Teep and Maide have been using as a temporary base), Benji ends up betraying the team and captures Nilesy and Panda. Strippin is furious by this, although he feels it was somewhat reluctant. Benji betrayed them because he thought Strippin was in danger (which was a lie by Teep). Teep ends up giving Benji the information needed to help the rebellion and release his captured friends. Benji returns to RailBros, and although no one trusts him, Ravs allows him back in if he proves himself.

After breaking free and getting their gear back, Nilesy leads the rebellion into battle. When a horde of zombies chases after them, Nilesy leads them to the Nether to escape (and maybe get them to Lombucket). Nilesy and Panda refuse to go into the Nether until everyone else has. After traversing the Nether for hours, 4 consecutive ghast explosions cause the banished Yogscast members to be reunited with their fellows, including Sjin and Minty.

The stakes are higher than they've ever been. Outnumbered 30 to 1 in every conceivable way, the Yogscast is going to need to come up with a plan to finally end this war and return peace to the Tekkit Server.

Zoey: That's kind of a lame finish.

Rythian: Well, it's the best I've got before I ramble on.

Zoey: You were telling this epic story, and now it just sounds…eh.

Rythian sighs

Rythian: Why don't you come up with a good way to end it then.

Zoey: Fine.

Their armies are staggering. They have all the power to end the ragtag group of rebels should they so desire. It's going to take a lot of action, explosions, sex, and violence to get back the freedom and peace of mind that is desired by the rebels. This is

True Tekkit: Rising

Rythian: Really? "action, explosions, sex, and violence"?

Zoey: Hey, it grabbed their attention, didn't it?

Rythian: (annoyed) Fair enough. Point is, things aren't well for the rebels, and we need to think of a plan to win this war.

Zoey: "We"?

Rythian: Well, our counterparts in the story at least.

Zoey: This is gonna be really awesome.

Rythian: That we can agree on.

Part 1:

Teep is in his room with Spaceman-Zoey

Teep: How did it go?

Spaceman-Zoey: Good. The fire at the warehouse was just the latest in a long line of "accidents". The malfunctioning gateway, the death of our Panda, and when the information reaches the group here, my Nilesy will have the finger pointing at him.

Teep: Great. I set up that Nether Portal near the fortress so my Nilesy and his guys could get out of here. I remember reading a book on inter-dimensional travel. There are several ways to get between dimensions, and some include the Nether.

Spaceman-Zoey: Excellent. Things are all going according to-You're doing it.

Teep: What?

Spaceman-Zoey: You won't look me in the eye. You always avert them whenever I look into them. Why?

Teep: It's…nothing.

Spaceman-Zoey: Tell me.

Teep: It's nothing. Drop it.

Teep begins to go towards his armchair.

Spaceman-Zoey: Does it have to do with my counterpart here?

Teep stops.

Spaceman-Zoey: Tell me about her.

Teep still won't meet her gaze.

Teep: Let's just say that it makes sense that you're one of the good spacemen.

Spaceman-Zoey: So why can't you look at me?

Teep: It's complicated.

Spaceman-Zoey moves towards Teep.

Spaceman-Zoey: How is it-AGH!

She trips and knocks over the stand next to the armchair. The contents of the small drawer in the stand fall out. The picture of Rythian, Zoey, and Teep falls out. Teep rushes to her, and she sees the picture. Before Teep can stop her, she picks it up, gets up, and looks at it.

Teep: Don't-

Spaceman-Zoey: You knew her. Her and your Rythian. You looked happy together.

Teep: (nervously) Well, yes. I-

Spaceman-Zoey: What happened? Why are you here instead of with them?

Teep: (clearly uncomfortable) Well, I-

A buzzer buzzes in. Teep goes to answer it.

Teep: Hello?

Maide: Teep! Thank God! I just got word that the fortress has been broken in to. Nilesy, Panda, and Strippin are gone!

Teep: (acting surprised) What?

Maide: And Benji's gone too! That bastard! I knew he was weak!

Teep: I'm glad you told me. I'll be there soon!

Teep hangs up.

Spaceman-Zoey: I'll be going then. I'll see you later tonight.

Spaceman-Zoey perches herself on Teep's windowsill.

Spaceman-Zoey: You aren't telling me something. I won't pressure you, but i want you to know that you can trust me. We're on the same side.

Spaceman-Zoey leaps gracefully onto the ground below.

Teep: You can be trusted. I'm not sure about me though.

Teep exits his room.

Part 2 next week.

Part 2:

The procession in the Nether heads towards the Portal. It is a fair distance away, but it can be seen. The group is right next to a pool of lava.

Panda and Hannah are leading the group. Panda is carrying a sleeping Nilesy, while Hannah is holding Nilesy's bucket. Lewis runs up to them.

Hannah: How is everyone?

Lewis: Still pretty beaten up. Daltos is going to need to rest pretty much as soon as he goes through the portal. The others are aching for a rest too, but they'll last a bit longer.

Panda: Good. I'm not sure how much longer I can carry him.

Nilesy: (mumbling in his sleep) Oh, Terezi. Never stop.

Hannah: (shouting to the group) Just a little farther people! We're almost there!

Meanwhile, unknown to the group, they are being followed by Spaceman-Duncan. He has a pigman-spawner in his hand.

Spaceman-Duncan: (whispering) So, who do I do this with?

He looks around until he sees Sjin and Minty talking happily with each other. They stop for a minute to give each other a quick hug. Spaceman-Duncan smiles evilly.

Spaceman-Duncan: Perfect.

Spaceman-Duncan goes up to a very high ledge. He makes measurements in his head, and drops a pigman right in front of Sjin and Minty.

Minty is laughing at a story that Sjin is telling her.

Sjin: So, Sips and I nod to each other, and we drop Nilesy into the chamber.  And then we-OH SH*T!!

The pigman lands in front of Sjin and Minty. Out of panic, Sjin hits the pigman. It lands in the lava pool, but a whole horde of pigmen come after them.

Minty: Oh crap!

Strippin turns around and sees the horde.

Strippin: Oh for f*ck's sake!

Everyone notices now.


Everyone makes a mad dash to the portal. Sips begins to go back for Sjin and Minty, but Sjin yells at him.


Sips looks like he's about to disobey, but the look on Minty's face convinces him to  go.

Minty: Come on!

Sjin and Minty sidestep and outrun a bunch of pigmen. They hastily make a dash for the portal

Meanwhile, up ahead, Bertie is lining up redstone and laying down TNT for the pigmen to become ensnared in. As he's about to set it off, Gamechap runs past him.  Bertie is knocked over, and his lever falls into the lava.

Bertie: For goodness bally sakes!

Minty and Sjin are being overrun by pigmen. Neither of them have weapons handy. Preparing for the worst, the two hug each other.

Just then, Gamechap comes in and kills several pigmen. Forgetting Minty and Sjin, they chase after Gamechap. Gamechap runs towards Bertie, and Sjin and Minty make a mad dash for the portal.

Gamechap: Set off the bloody TNT, you rogue!

Bertie: I dropped the bloody lever into the lava when you knocked into me!

Gamechap: Bertie!

A pigman jumps out at Bertie. Bertie knocks it into the lava, but he begins to lose his balance. Gamechap catches him before he plummets into the lava, but can't pull him back upright.

Gamechap: Just hold on tight. I'll try and-GOOD GRIEF!

Minty and Sjin, almost at the portal, look back as Gamechap shouts. Several pigmen gang up on Gamechap, and he loses his ground and falls into the lava, taking Bertie with him.



Duncan, who is back at the portal waiting for them, calls for them.

Duncan: There's nothing you can do for them now! Come on!

Minty and Sjin get to the portal. Minty goes right in with Duncan at Sjin's urging, but Sjin stops for a moment to look at the lava pool. In the pool, a tophat is slowly sinking. Sjin looks away and follows Minty and Duncan into the portal.

Part 3 next week.

Part 3:

Sjin stumbles through the portal. Minty runs up to him, helps him up, and hugs him around the neck. Tears are in her eyes.

Minty: That one was too close.

Sjin: Not so much for Gamechap and Bertie.

Meanwhile, a redheaded woman was talking to her masked boyfriend.

Zoey: I can't believe that happened! How the heck did the pigmen follow us?

Rythian: I saw a pigman land in front of Sjin and Minty. Sjin panicked and hit the pigman. That's how the horde got us.

Zoey: How did a pigman just fall right in front of them?

Rythian: I don't know. There was a ledge above us if I remember correctly.

Zoey: Do you think it was…

Rythian: No. He wouldn't resort to such under-handed tactics.

Zoey: Would he?

Rythian: He'd at least do some boasting beforehand. He'd attack out in the open. Whoever did this aimed for Sjin and Minty specifically. They were the happiest people there. He wanted to make them feel weak. Helpless. Mess with their heads a bit.

Rythian moves towards a small crowd. Rythian: I'm going to go check on Daltos.

Rythian begins to walk away.

Zoey: Since when do you know how a madman's brain works? Rythian stops.

Rythian: Who's to say I'm not one?

Rythian leaves Zoey to join the group surrounding Daltos. Lewis, Strippin, Benji, and Martyn are surrounding him.

Rythian: How's he looking?

Martyn: His leg's f*cked, but it'll heal.

Benji: We need food. That'll speed up the process.

Strippin: I think we could all use food. And some beds.

Martyn: Lewis, we should send some people to go look for supplies.

Rythian: I don't know. We're pretty banged up and out in the open. I'd say just camp out here for the night, and head to Lombucket in the morning.

Martyn: Rythian, we need stuff NOW!

Rythian: I know, but we're in no condition to go scouting. We're tired, we've all been through many traumatic experiences, and we've just lost two people.

Lewis: WHAT?!

Everyone turns to face him.

Rythian: Gamechap and Bertie. Duncan told me. He stayed behind to help Sjin and Minty get through and saw the whole thing unfold. Lewis sits down and holds his head.

Martyn: They were good men. They found an armor stash back in RailBros that helped when we took down Strippin's fortress. They're the reason we're where we are today.

Lewis remains silent. Everyone takes the hint and leaves him alone. Sjin comes over, noticing what happened to Lewis. He sits down next to him.

Sjin: How're you holding up?

Lewis: I don't know if i can do this. I nearly got Simon and myself killed back on your old server.

Sjin: Wait, you were on Sips and my old server?

Lewis: Got sent there. Anyway, we ran into the Beafather, and he was gonna kill us. Simon managed to talk him into letting us leave, but I ended up f*cking it up. We managed to outrun them in the Nether, but…I just don't know.

Sjin: Well, if you want, I could take over as leader every once in a while. Give you a breather when you need it.

Lewis looks up at Sjin.

Lewis: You'd do that for me?

Sjin: Of course. You're my friend, and friends help each other.

Lewis smiles. It's the first time he's smiled in a long time. Lewis: You're an awesome guy, Sjin. Thanks.

Sjin: First thing's first. It's almost night time. We need to rest. Rythian's right. We can head to Lombucket tomorrow once everyone's well-rested.

Lewis: All right. We'll go in the morning. Once we're settled in, I'll send a scouting team out to check out the server.

Sjin: Sounds good. Also, we could try and send for some help. God knows we're gonna need it.

Lewis: Alright. For now, let's get some sleep. Who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow?

Part 4 next week. 

REALLY sorry it's late. Long story. Better late than never though, so here it is :)

Part 4:

The procession has almost made it to Lombucket. Nilesy is now awake. Sips and Sjin are walking together.

Sjin: Thanks.

Sips: For what?

Sjin: Duncan was at the front of the group yesterday. He would've been the first to go through the portal, so he wouldn't have seen me and Minty struggling to get there and wouldn't have known to stay behind. Unless of course someone told him to keep an eye on us.

Sips smirks.

Sips: Who else will clean the SipsCo toilets? Certainly won't be me! Those things are filthy.

Sjin smiles.

Sjin: Glad to know I mean so much to you.

Meanwhile, Lewis is at the front. He sees a building in the distance.

Lewis: There's Lombucket. We're all set to-Oh my God.

The group stops in its tracks. They gaze in horror as Lombucket stands before them, all but destroyed.

Nilesy: Those bastards! I saw this place in the early days of the regime. It was fine.

Hannah: Well, doesn't look so hot now. What do we do?

Lewis: We use it.

Rythian: What?

Panda: You're mental!

Lewis: It may need a fresh coat of paint, but it's still standing. Right now, we need to take what we can get.

Simon: Are you sure about this?

Lewis: It's either this or RailBros.

He gestures behind Lombucket, where RailBros is a pile of rubble.

Zylus: Daltos can't go much farther. We need to do this.

Nilesy has tears in his eyes as he looks up at Lombucket. Hannah, although looking somber, betrays no emotion.

Everyone goes in. Zoey begins to measure the insides.

Zoey: We'll put some gold here, some wool here, and soon enough, this place will be inhabitable.

Everyone settles inside. Nilesy goes upstairs. He looks around.

Nilesy: All this work. All the times I nearly died from falling off the side, and this is what we get? Teep's gonna pay!

Nilesy throws his bucket across the room into a dark corner. Nilesy broods for a minute, then goes to get the bucket. Suddenly, the bucket flies out from the corner and nearly hits Nilesy.

Nilesy: Jesus! What was that?

Voice: Remember me?

Skylord Valetius steps out into the open.

Skylord Valetius. That's me bucket ya got there!

Nilesy: (scornful laughter) Bucket? More like a toilet to you! It's not like you're smart enough to tell the difference.

Valetius pulls out a pistol and points it at Nilesy.

Valetius: Now, ya might wanna watch yer tone with me, boy.

Valetius steps closer. Nilesy moves back. Nilesy notices the section they're on to be  weaker than the others. He hops a little, and it begins to crumble. Valetius doesn't seem to notice the floor.

Valetius: Why're you hoppin', boy?

Nilesy: (thinking fast) This was my favorite section of floor. I missed standing in this exact spot, so I hopped a little.

Valetius shoots the spot at Nilesy's feet. The floor starts to crumble further.

Nilesy: I honestly didn't think you'd fall for that.

The floor collapses. Nilesy and Valetius collapse onto the floor. Everyone takes notice. Daltos, who was on a bed near where they landed, begins to hobble over.

Valetius: You f*cking moron!

Nilesy: -I'm- the moron! You fell for something I made up on the spot, you goddamn buffoon!

Daltos reaches the two and casts a worrying look to Valetius's pistol.

Daltos: Nilesy, you might want to watch it with the anger.

Nilesy: I think I deserve to be a little angry! The company Hannah and I poured our heart and soul into is in tatters, and I bet this piece of sh*t had something to do with it!

Valetius points the pistol directly at Nilesy's face.

Daltos: Nilesy, shut up! You have every reason to be mad, but-

Valetius: No, boy. Let the whiny little girl have her say.

Nilesy: At least this whiney little girl has something resembling a brain.

Hannah, Sips, and Zylus come over to the group.

Zylus: Nilesy! What the hell is going on?

Hannah: Valetius?! What's he doing he-

Valetius's gun goes off. Nilesy flinches. He opens his eyes to see Valetius's gun smoking, and Daltos on the floor bleeding.

Sips: Oh no.

Zylus: DALTOS!

Nilesy viciously attacks Valetius. He grabs Valetius and rips the pistol out of his hand, but Valetius breaks free of Nilesy's hold, jumps out a window, and escapes.

Hannah: What the hell just happened?!

Nilesy ignores her and goes down to Daltos. Zylus is holding him up. The rest of the group comes over.

Nilesy: Daltos, oh sh*t, Daltos, I'm so sorry.

Daltos: It's okay, Nilesy. You were upset.

Nilesy is in tears now.

Nilesy: No it's not. Oh, God. This shouldn't have happened. I should be the one dying on the f*cking floor!

Daltos is looking even paler.

Daltos: I'm dead weight anyway. My leg-

Nilesy's holding back sobs now and getting angry.

Nilesy: Don't you f*cking say that! I didn't save your ass just so you could die here!

Daltos begins to fade off.

Daltos: Its…okay….

Daltos dies in Zylus's arms. Nilesy cannot contain himself anymore. He storms outside, knocking over Martyn as he passes by.

Panda begins to go after him, but Hannah holds him back.

Hannah: Give him time. He needs a minute to get ahold of himself.

The rest of the group stands around Zylus and mourns Daltos.

Part 5 next week.

Part 5:

Zylus is putting a final mound of dirt in a freshly-filled grave. The group (minus Nilesy) stands around the hole, with each member giving a few words for Daltos. Finally, everyone goes inside. Once inside, Panda goes to Hannah.

Panda: Nilesy's not come back yet. The sun's setting. I'm worried.

Hannah: We should probably go looking for him. We've given him time to cool off. Now we need to help him.

Hannah and Panda are heading for the door. Lewis and Sjin are talking nearby and notice the two.

Lewis: We are you two going?

Hannah: To look for Nilesy.

Sjin: Need some help?

Panda: Sure. Chances are he needs a good amount support right now.

Sjin: Alright.

Sjin goes to join Hannah and Panda.

Hannah: We'll be back later, Lewis.

Lewis: Okay. For God's sake, be careful you three. Especially you.

Lewis points at Hannah.

Hannah, Panda, and Sjin leave Lombucket. Hannah stays ahead and calls for Nilesy in the darkness. Sjin and Panda stay a few paces behind her. Sjin strikes up a conversation

Sjin: So, how'd you find your way here?

Panda: Got an email from Martyn Littlewood in the middle of this whole fiasco. I was  doing my own thing in the world, bit out that way *gestures to his left*. Martyn gave me the coordinates for RailBros. I came, I helped Nilesy out, and we're here today.

Sjin: Wait, how did you find this server in the first place?

Panda: All Minecraft worlds are connected in one way or another. It took me a day to get to RailBros when I had a boat and a very navigable river that lead here. I still wouldn't be here if I came on foot.

Sjin: So, hypothetically, we could find more people to come and help us out?

Panda: Yeah, but I wouldn't know how you could contact them in time. We could use some more help though, so I'd love to see if we can-

Hannah: NILESY!

Sjin and Panda break away from their conversation and look to where Hannah's shouting. The three see Nilesy shooting mobs with the pistol he's stolen from Valetius. Hannah goes up to him.

Nilesy: Made some ammo. Not that hard.

Hannah: Nilesy, it's dark. Come back home.

Nilesy: I don't want to be there in the remnants of what used to be our home.

Hannah: it's still our home. Yeah, we might need to fix it up here or there.

Nilesy: Psh.

Hannah: But it's still Lombucket. It's still where we have had our laughs. It's where we have shared so many memories. No amount of damage or destruction will change that.

Sjin: What about Daltos? Huh? Don't suppose he just fell into the bullet, eh?

Panda steps forward.

Panda: He could've let you die. He could've let Valetius shoot you and kill you.

Nilesy: Then why should I have bothered saving him?

Panda: I didn't want to be saved. I wanted you to leave me. But you didn't. If you saw someone drowning, and you knew you'd die if you wanted to save them, you'd still do it.

Nilesy: I…

Panda: Niles, he died so you could live. It was his choice to make. You shouldn't feel guilty because someone else made a choice.

Hannah reaches into her inventory and pulls out Nilesy's bucket.

Hannah: You dropped this back in Lombucket.

Nilesy takes his bucket, and flings himself onto Hannah and breaks down.

Nilesy: (through thick sobs) It's so sh*tty. This whole thing.

Hannah: (hugging him back) I know. It'll be okay. We're small, but we're strong.

Panda and Sjin give Nilesy a reassuring pat on the back each. Nilesy gets ahold of himself and lets go.

Nilesy: Let's go. I have no desire to be blown up right now.

The 4 make their way back to Lombucket. Sjin keeps to himself the whole way back, thinking about everything they told Nilesy.

Part 6 next week.

Part 6:

It's now morning. Everyone's in a depressed mood. Lewis is not in the building. Ravs is cleaning up the blood on the floor from where Daltos died. At noon, Lewis returns to the base. He decides to call a meeting. Everyone sits in a circle on the floor.

Lewis: I'm gonna be honest. Life sucks for us right now.

Everyone mutters in agreement.

Lewis: We've lost 3 people. Our base is a complete sh*thole. We have nothing. Right now, the odds aren't in our favor.

Sjin: But that doesn't matter. We've beaten the odds last time. We can do it again. Lewis: We need materials. We need to repair this base. Most importantly, we need friends.

Simon: I actually had an idea for the last one.

Sips: I gave him this one.

Simon pulls out a horn.

Simon: I'm gonna go on the roof and blow this. If anyone hears this, they'll know to come.

Everyone stares at Simon.

Lewis: You know what, go ahead. At this point, why the hell not?

Sips: Aw, yeah!

Simon and Sips leave the circle.

Sjin: Everyone else, send out some emails and see if we can get ahold of someone. Obviously it's worked before.

Sjin gestures to Panda.

Panda: There are more people out there. We just need to find them.

Sjin: Alright everyone. Your task is to email as many people as possible and see if they can come.

Lewis: I'm taking a small team with me to go scouting for supplies in the meantime.  I've found a small base that I think is rich with materials while I was out this morning. Those of you who volunteered, let's go by the door. We'll wait for Simon, then we'll head out.

Everyone leaves the circle. Lewis, Duncan, Strippin, and Benji wait by the door for Simon while the others go take turns on the one computer.

Meanwhile, on the roof, Simon is standing on Sips's back. Sips is in pain.

Sips: (grunting) I'm lighter and taller. Shouldn't I do it?

Simon: It just feels right this way.

Simon blows the horn. After he finishes, Sips collapses and Simon falls on top of him.


Simon: Oops!

Simon gets up. Sips is breathing heavily.

Simon: Well, I better go back down. I volunteered to go on a scouting mission with Lewis.

Sips: (out of breath) Fantastic.

Simon leaves the exhausted Sips.

The tone of the horn carries through the land. Many people hear its cry.

Teep and Maide are having lunch with the Spacemen in their gothic-looking base. They hear the tune of the horn.

Maide: What was that?

Teep: Probably just the wind.

The horn's sound carries out even farther than the Spacemen's base.

A girl with long, flowing black hair and a red dress hears the sound of the horn. Curious, she gets off the floor of her poorly-built shack and follows the sound.

A man wearing a fedora is standing outside of a base built in the side of a hill. He hears the sound of the horn as well. Hearing this call to adventure, he gathers some supplies and heads out.

Two strange-looking men and a walrus are outside their marble fortress. One man shoots lightning from a wand, another is adding to their base, and the walrus is riding an ostrich. They hear the sound of the horn. They stop in their respective tasks and set out.

Part 7 next week.

Part 7:

Strippin is on top of a tree, looking at an outpost that looks like a miniature gothic fortress.

Strippin is making several hand-gestures at Benji, who is at the base of the tree. Benji waves his crowbar towards a bush, where Simon, Lewis, and Duncan are hiding. Lewis waves in acknowledgment to Benji and turns to Simon and Duncan.

Lewis: (whispering) Okay. Strippin and I will keep the guards busy. Duncan, you go with Benji into the base and try and loot anything you find that can help.

Simon: What about me?

Lewis tosses some TNT onto the ground.

Lewis: You draw the guards towards us.

Simon: Are you sure?

Lewis: I'm sure. Just go blow up that wall. Strippin and I won't be far behind.

Strippin drops down next to them from the tree.

Strippin: Ready when you are.

Lewis: Let's go people.

Inside the base, a group of zombies are relaxing in the break room. All of a sudden,  the wall explodes.

Zombie: Whuuuuuuuut?

Simon is seen running away. Lewis and Strippin are throwing rocks at the zombies.

Strippin: Hey, you big ugly bastards! Over here!

The zombies run after Lewis and Strippin. A few splinter off and go after Simon.

Duncan is lowered onto the ground from the roof of the break room by Benji's crowbar. Benji drops beside him.

Duncan: You and Strippin seem very skilled at maneuvering through high places.

Benji: Strippin's good with trees. Me, well, I'm just good at falling.

Duncan and Benji sneak in and start looting the place. Benji is pocketing some gadgets that may come in handy, and Duncan starts to hack the computer for information. After several minutes, Benji comes over with an inventory full of stuff he's stolen.

Benji: I'm full up. I'll guard the door in case any guards come back inside.

Duncan: Okay. I'm almost done.

Benji leaves. As Duncan finishes his hacks, he notices a folder on the computer desktop called "Meeting logs". Curious, Duncan opens the footage.

He is in complete shock. He sees the first official meeting between Teep, Maide, and the Spacemen. After hearing cries from outside, he hastily downloads this footage. He picks up his flash-drive containing the hacks and exits server room.

As he is still registering what he's just seen, a zombie jumps out at him. He falls back. As the zombie is about to attack him, Strippin takes out the zombie with a blow from his crowbar.

Duncan: Jesus!

Strippin: We need to go! Apparently Lewis didn't realize this was an important outpost, and half the f*cking horde is onto us.

Duncan gets up. He and Strippin see Lewis and Benji fighting off the horde.

Duncan: Where's Simon?

A high-pitched scream issues from the left. Simon is cornered against a huge rock surrounded by trees. He has no weapons, and death looks imminent for him. Lewis notices Simon trapped.

Lewis: Simon!

Strippin: Hang on!

Strippin dashes over to the group. He jumps towards one of the trees, grabs onto a low branch with his crowbar, and swings himself over Simon. He makes short work of the zombies. He picks up Simon.

Strippin: Come on!

Lewis, Duncan, and Benji run after Strippin. The five find a nice secluded field and hide there. Strippin puts Simon down.

Simon: (a bit dazed) You saved my life.

Strippin rounds on Lewis.

Strippin: You f*cking moron!

Lewis: What?!

Strippin: You didn't realize that was an important outpost?!

Lewis: (looking upset more than angry) It looked small from the outside.

Strippin: Small from the outside? SIMON ALMOST DIED!!!

Lewis: I…I didn't know, okay? Hell, if anything, YOU should know! I've spent 4 months with Simon in a cave!

Strippin moves over to Lewis as if he's about to punch him. Benji stops him. Strippin looks at Benji, then looks at Lewis.

Strippin: I'm not sure you're fit to lead us.

Strippin storms off, Benji goes after him. Lewis looks upset. Duncan still has a surprised look on his face.

Part 8 next week. BONUS ENDING:

Teep notices Skylord Valetius staggering outside. He is obviously drunk. Teep goes out to get him.

Valetius: (mumbling) 'n' f*ck you too Daltos.

Teep: Daltos?

Valetius: Shot 'im. Shot 'im real good too.

Teep: What?

Valetius: Nil'sy jumped righ' on me. Nearly got me, too. But I ran. I ran far away from that damned buildin'.

Teep: What building?

Valetius: Lomb'k't I think it wuz call'd. Damned place all torn'd up, too. Look'd like i' wuz 'bandon'd too, wha' wi' it all torn'd up.

Teep: (whispers menacingly) Maide….

Valetius: Hm?

Teep: (thinking fast) That was just a dream.

Valetius: A dream?

Teep: Yes. You obviously drank to much and thought you went to Lombucket. But that couldn't have happened. You see, I went there earlier today. It looked fine. Abandoned, but fine.

Valetius: Damn. Las' time I drink, I swear.

Teep: Come inside. You're going to catch a cold standing out here.

Teep helps Valetius inside.

Part 8:

Lewis, Simon, Duncan, and Benji are walking back to Lombucket. Strippin is walking a few feet behind them.

The scouting group goes inside. Benji immediately dumps his loot into a chest. Hannah and Nilesy run to greet them.

Hannah: You're back!

Nilesy: Did you find anything?

Duncan: Oh, I found something all right.

Duncan takes the computer from Toby.

Toby: Hey!

Duncan uploads the data from the flash drive. He shows the whole group the meeting footage he found.

Rythian: Where-

Strippin: Apparently this "outpost" was actually a mini-base. It wasn't really expecting to get hit, which is why we're all alive right now. SOMEONE *looks at Lewis* didn't get their info right.

Nilesy looks over to Panda.

Panda: You didn't tell them?

Nilesy looks around to Strippin, Benji, Ravs, Zylus, Martyn, and Toby.

Nilesy: Did no one seriously tell them?

Ravs: It didn't seem right to tell them without you.

Nilesy: *sigh*

Lewis: Tell us what?

Nilesy tells them about the Benji and the Spacemen. A few people cast a look towards Benji, but they otherwise leave him alone.

Rythian: So, they're from an alternate universe, and they got here from the fractured time-stream? Wouldn't that have been useful to tell us earlier?

Panda: We wanted to wait until Nilesy was awake to tell you. The Nether escape and Valetius's infiltration sort of drove it from our minds.

Nilesy: Speaking of, we can't stay here.

Everyone turns to him.

Lewis: Nilesy, this is the only place we have left.

Nilesy: But Valetius knows we're here. It's not safe. He could go to Maide and Teep.

Sjin: Nilesy's right. We either need to vacate the building, or fortify it.

Nilesy looks at the spot where Daltos died.

Nilesy: Vacating sounds good.

Simon: Wait, does anyone hear that?

They hear someone walking outside. Duncan places a block and stands on it. Duncan does a head-count.

Duncan: We're all here. It's someone new.

Sips goes to the door.

Sips: Anybody got a bo-oh, wait.

Sips starts laughing.

Sips: Simon, you magnificent bastard! It worked!

Everyone goes to the window.

The girl with the black hair and red dress is outside of Lombucket. She's calling from outside.

Girl: Hello? Is anyone there?

Lewis: Oh my God!

Everyone goes outside. She seems surprised.

Girl: Guys?

Sjin and Hannah push forward.

Sjin and Hannah: KIM!

Sjin and Hannah run up to Kim and hug her.

Sjin: It's great to see you!

Kim: Great to see you guys too-OH CRAP!

Simon is rushing forward.

Simon: MANDREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sjin and Hannah jump out of the way. Simon hugs Kim tightly.

Kim: Ow-Simon, you're squeezing me too-agh!

Simon: Oh, sorry.

Simon lets Kim go. Lewis and Nilesy go forward and brief her on what's happening. Kim, although a bit skeptical of the story, accepts it.

Kim: So, what's the plan?

Lewis: Ah, well, you see-

Nilesy: We don't have one yet. Right now we're trying to find a less sh*tty base.

Duncan comes up and joins them.

Duncan: I have some leads on where to go from the information we stole. We'll go inside and check it out.

Kim follows the group inside of Lombucket.

Part 9 next week.

Part 9:

Duncan is going through the information in the form of a slideshow. Everyone is watching.

Duncan: From what I can tell, these are small outposts that are mainly used to keep a lookout and notify the small bases. There are 4 total, and they have a thin blind-spot in between each building. This is probably why we didn't get attacked when we

He turns the slide over to a slightly bigger building.

Duncan: These most likely contain a large group of troops that respond to the call of the scout bases. The doors don't open from the outside, meaning they are possibly controlled remotely. Also, there doesn't appear to be windows, so they can't see outside. This may have been why we weren't accosted on our way to the mini-base. Speaking of-

Duncan turns the slide to a building resembling the one he and the scouting team attacked.

Duncan: According to the files, there are 3-well, 2 now-small bases such as this. They contain a large number of mobs, and they seem to be stocked up with some information. Although most of this information may be common knowledge to the mobs, it does benefit us greatly.

Duncan plays the next slide.

Duncan: This next area is where I believe they're making their base of operations. Now, this place is probably under heavy guard, and-

Simon: Hold on just a f*cking minute!

Duncan: Beg pardon?

Ravs: That's SipsCo!

Sips, Sjin, and Minty look closely at the base.

Minty: Oh my God, you're right! There's Guy's shed.

Sjin: And Ron Johnson's office is right through that window!

Sips: And Old Paintsniffer's trash heap is right there-hang on a second.

Sips turns to Simon and Ravs.

Sips: How do you two know where SipsCo is? You've never been there.

Ravs: Yeah, well…

Simon: (nervous laugh) Funny story, actually.

Ravs: You see, we originally had this thing called Plan #69 with Bertie, where we would take out any company causing us trouble.

Simon: And we MAY or MAY NOT have the power to level SipsCo underneath the entire facility.

Sips: WHAT?!

Ravs: Before you get upset, we did this with everyone's bases. Hell, there's one downstairs.

Strippin takes out his crowbar and pries a floorboard away. He finds a stash of TNT.

Ravs: I think Bertie removed all the TNT under RailBros when moving there became a more permanent solution for our refugees.

Everyone looks at them in complete shock and anger.

Lewis: You told us Plan #69 was just a precaution! You never told us it could destroy half the goddamn server!

Duncan: Let's get things back on track, peo-


Everyone except Duncan and Kim begins to jump for Simon and Ravs. Simon and Ravs run to the back wall. Duncan tries to get them to calm down, but he seems to have lost his voice. Finally, before Simon and Ravs get caught in a big chase, Kim stands on top of her chair.

Kim: GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone stops and looks up at Kim.

Kim: I haven't been a part of this conflict until about an hour ago. Hell, I wasn't sure I believed the story when I first arrived.

Simon and Ravs sidle to the side of the mob and listen to Kim.

Kim: But guys, I see this is important to you. I'm willing to help you in any way possible, but you need to stop the fighting.

Strippin looks at Lewis. then back at Kim.

Kim: Alright?

Mob: Alright.

Kim: Okay then. *sits down* What do we do Duncan?

Lewis steps up.

Lewis: Duncan and I were talking about what we were gonna do before the meeting. We've decided it best to split up into 3 teams: One draws out the zombies, a second team sneaks in to destroy the zombie bases, and a third attacks one of the small bases and steals more information in the hopes that it can help us.

Benji: What if anyone comes while we're gone?

Lewis: Good point, actually. Did you guys get ahold of anyone? Is more help coming?

Toby: Um….

Zylus: Yeah….

Hannah: No. Polaris are too tied up right now. They can't get here.

Martyn: The Noxcrew are unavailable too.

Sips: I tried to call the rest of SipsCo. Ron's getting married, and everyone else is either attending his wedding or have been kidnapped by the Beaver Mafia.

Sjin: Great. The last thing we need is THOSE guys getting involved.

Lewis: So Kim's the only one here? Well sh*t.

Nilesy: I have a plan though.

Nilesy takes out the revolver he stole from Valetius and some ammo. He puts it in a chest along with a map and a book.

Nilesy: I'll leave directions in case someone comes.

Lewis: It's a longshot, but you know what, we've been somewhat lucky so far. It's the best we have.

Sjin hands out cards.

Lewis: These are the teams you'll be assigned to. Here's what we'll do…

After much more explaining that has been cut out of this already really boring episode, the three groups leave to go do their respective tasks.

Part 10 next week. BONUS ENDING:

About an hour after the group has left the abandoned Lombucket, the man with the fedora has arrived at the abandoned base. He begins calling out to anyone listening.

Man: Hello? Anyone there?

He finds the chest and opens it. Inside, he finds the revolver, ammunition, and the directions to where the small base group is going. Satisfied, he pockets his goods and sets out after the third group.

Part 10:

One of the small bases is quiet. The zombies, skeletons, and creepers are milling about on a bright and sunny day. All of a sudden, a wall explodes. Martyn and Toby jump through the new hole while Panda is running away behind them.



Zombie: Get them!

The mobs chase them out. They join a mass of mobs already chasing Martyn, Toby, Panda, and Zylus. From the trees beside them, Sips and Hannah are sniping arrows at the mobs. They are killing a few, but also drawing more mobs towards them.

Sips: Yeah! Eat sh*t!

Hannah: Glad to see you're enjoying this.

Sips: Well, seeing as you guys wouldn't let me distract them like the others, I'm taking what I can get.

Hannah: Lewis thought that you dancing outside their base naked singing "Big Girl"  was a bit over the top for this job.

Sips: You guys kill all of my fun.

Meanwhile, a group consisting of Lewis, Sjin, Minty, Benji, Strippin, and Simon sneaks behind the scouting towers.

At the time of this, the third group approaches one of the small bases. The group, made up of Duncan, Kim, Rythian, Zoey, Ravs, and Nilesy, get ready.

Duncan: You guys ready?

Rythian: As we'll ever be.

Duncan: Remember Kim, follow my lead.

Kim: No problem. I've got this.

Duncan: Okay. I just don't want you getting killed-

Kim: Duncan, I've got this. You've taught me well.

Duncan and Kim smile at each other.

As Duncan punches into the side of the wall with a bionic arm. as he tears down the wall (much to the chagrin to the monsters inside), Zoey pokes Rythian.

Zoey: Can I get one of those?

Rythian: Science is always risky. I don't think it would be a good idea.

Zoey looks sad.

Duncan tears down the wall. The mobs look at him angrily.

Duncan: Did you guys need that?

The mobs come out and attack them. While Rythian, Zoey, Nilesy, and Ravs hold them off, Duncan and Kim steal some more information.

Duncan: Last time I downloaded information, I nearly got killed by a zombie on my way out.

Kim: Well, hopefully that won't-um…Duncan.

Duncan has his eyes glued to the download.

Duncan: What?

Kim: Remind me about wither skeletons again.

Duncan: They are tall, black skeletons with swords that hurt a lot. Why?

Duncan turns around to see Kim narrowly dodging a wither skeleton's sword.

Duncan: Sh*t!

Kim: Look out!

Kim tries to grab the wither skeleton's arm, but it flings her through the wall outside.

Duncan: KIM!

Duncan is now forced to do battle with the wither skeleton.

Outside, the man with the fedora is walking towards the base. He sees Rythian, Zoey, Nilesy, and Ravs fighting the mobs. Before he can join them, Kim crash-lands next to him.

Man: Are you okay?!

Kim faces up, dirt covering her eyes, mouth and ears.

Kim: (with a mouth full of dirt) Duncan's in trouble! Wither skeleton!

The man runs off towards the base.

Duncan is losing the sword-fight with the wither skeleton. He tries to get a slash in, but the wither skeleton knocks the sword out of his hands and pins him against the wall.

Wither Skeleton: Any last words?

Duncan spits on him.

Wither Skeleton: Charming.

Duncan closes his eyes and braces himself, but his death never comes.

He hears a gunshot, and slides to the floor as the wither skeleton lets go. He opens his eyes to see the wither skeleton has a hole in the side of its head. Standing over him, holding out his hand, is DaveChaos.

Dave: Need a hand?

Duncan: Dave!

Duncan takes Dave's hand, gets up, and hugs his friend.

Duncan: That's two drinks I own you, I guess?

Dave: At this rate, I'll have to open a tab!

Duncan: Good to see you, man. Is Kim okay?

Dave: She's fine. Covered in dirt, though. Don't think she recognized me.

Duncan looks over at the computer.

Duncan: Awesome! It's done downloading.

Duncan takes out the USB and pockets it.

Dave: So, what now?

Duncan: We loot the place of all the cool sh*t.

Dave: Well, what are we waiting for?

Outside, Kim is getting the last bits of dirt out from her shoes. Rythian, Zoey, Ravs, and Nilesy have killed the last of the zombies. Kim runs over to them.

Nilesy: Hey Kim. How did things go with- 

Kim: Is Duncan okay?

Rythian: Why would we know?

Kim: He and I were attacked by a wither skeleton. I was thrown outside, and someone went in after him. I thought it was one of you.

Rythian: It wasn't me. I've been out here the whole time.

Zoey: Same.

Nilesy: Ravs and I were fighting them together. It wasn't us.

Kim: Then who-

Rythian: Oh my God. It's Dave!

Duncan and Dave come out of the base with their arms laden with loot.

Duncan: Are you okay Kim?

Kim: I've got dirt in my hair and clothes, otherwise I'm just peachy.

Kim turns to Dave.

Kim: Thanks.

Dave: No problem. Where are the others?

Nilesy: Off destroying other buildings. We had 3 separate teams. I left the directions to this base because it was probably the most difficult task.

Ravs: Surely they're done by now. Yep, here they come.

Lewis and Simon are coming towards them in a hurry.

Simon: Dave!

Lewis: How'd you get here?

Dave: Heard some sort of horn go off. I sorta took it as a "call to adventure" and went off looking for it.

Kim: Yeah, I heard a horn sound too. That's how I found these guys.

Simon: HA!

Simon turns to Lewis.

Simon: You thought it wasn't going to work, but it f*cking did!

Lewis: I never said that, but-

Simon: You thought it.

Lewis: That's besides the point. Dave, come with us. We're going to brief you on our situation as we go back.

Dave: Alright.

Kim: Watch yourself. It's a doozy.

Dave: How weird could it be?

Part 11 next week.

Part 11:

The group is back at Lombucket. Dave has just been told the story of what's been going on.

Dave: That's one hell of a tale.

Lewis: Exactly. We need your help if we're going to beat them. What do you say?

Dave: I'm not sure how much difference one guy's gonna be, but I'll do what I can to save the server.

Duncan smacks Dave in the back.

Duncan: That's all the difference we need.

Simon: So what's the plan?

Lewis: Well, we need to take down that final base, and eventually take down Si-I mean the enemy base. Anything people might want to add?

Duncan: Well, on the way back, I was talking with Sjin.

Sjin: We were talking about three things we could be doing to improve our situation.

Duncan: Building a better base is a start.

Sjin: We also discussed the possibility of doing more things related to buildcraft and thaumcraft to help us out.

Duncan: Yeah. More resources and some added perks would be useful in the long-run.

Lewis: I don't know. Although I do agree that it would be useful, I need you two. You guys are two of my best members.

Rythian: What about me? I could do thaumcraft?

Lewis: You're a real powerhouse Rythian, plus one of my smartest.

Hannah: Look, Sjin and Duncan are the best builders here, plus they're very skilled at buildcraft.

Everyone else mumbles in agreement.

Nilesy: Duncan and Rythian are the only ones here who know anything about thaumcraft. Unless some solution finds itself on our roof, you're going to have to make some choices.

Lewis: I-wait.

There's thumping coming from the roof.

Simon: *rushed whisper* Quiet!

Everyone huddles together. One by one, they sneak upstairs.

Panda: *whispering* I hear voices.

Voice 1: Oh, for f*ck-I knew we took a wrong turn at that ravine. Great job, Trott!

Voice 2: It's here! I know it is. Walruses are very good listeners.

A weird sound is uttered on the roof.

Voice 3: Trott, if you don't shut that ostrich up, I'm gonna f*cking kill him!

Sjin calls up timidly.

Sjin: Hello?

A pause.

Voice 1: Don't give me that look! Get ove-F*CK!

A section of the roof falls down.

Hannah: This place is falling apart! Don't worry about it.

Lewis: The floor over here isn't too bad. Just jump down.

Voice 3: You heard them, Ross, jump down.

Voice 1: Fine, you little….

The group stands back.

Ross jumps down from the hole, and stands up triumphantly. Smith follows suit. Trott faceplants because he jumped from Eric's back, but he gets back up and stands with his friends. Hatfilms stands before the group.

Sips: Guys!

Sips goes in for a group hug.

Ross: Jesus, you guys look like you've been through Hell.

Hannah: We have. We all literally ended up in the Nether at some point.

Trott: I have a feeling we should never have left.

Nilesy: (smirking at Lewis) Actually, we wanted to offer you a job….

Part 12 next week. And now, a word from the authors.

Rythian: Can you believe it? 11 episodes already! Good God. We're on a roll!

Zoey: (in a bored voice) Yeah, 11 episodes. Woo.

Rythian: Could you at least try to pretend like we're doing a good job? People are loving it.

Zoey: Yeah, but it feels a bit cobbled together a little. Don't you think?

Rythian: Yeah, but it would be a bit boring otherwise.

Zoey: Well, why not let me do the next episode.

Rythian: You'd just rip off Star Wars the whole time.

Zoey: Why would I do that?

Rythian: It's you.

Zoey glares at him.

Zoey: Well, with the inclusion of Hatfilms, there's more potential for comedy, and now that everyone's introduced, we can move things along.

Rythian: That wasn't the last introduction.

Zoey: Oh come on! Who's left to introduce? All the people who responded to Simon's horn are here.

Rythian grins.

Rythian: You'll see….

Zoey: Eh, how bad could it be?

Part 12:

Teep is sitting in what was formerly the SipsCo managerial office. In the corner is what appears to be the remnants of a hot-tub. Maide runs in.

Maide: Teep! Our bases are being destroyed!

Teep: (taking on a convincing tone of surprise) What?!

Maide: One was destroyed in the early hours of the morning, our zombie towers and scouts were destroyed this afternoon. The spacemen think-

Teep: (showing real surprise and fear this time) Wait, the spacemen know?

Maide: Yeah. Apparently they've been having problems back in their world. Fires, assassinations, and proof that it's all an inside job.

Teep: Oh God…

Maide: They're holding a meeting as we speak right now to get to the bottom of things. If we hurry, though, we might make it to the last base before they do. Come on!

Maide rushes out. Teep gets his things, leaves a note underneath one of the tiles in the floor.

Meanwhile, in the homeward of the spacemen:

Spaceman-Zoey is carrying Spaceman-Duncan's stuff into their meeting hall. Spaceman Lewis, Hannah, Duncan, Rythian, and Nilesy are already seated.

Spaceman-Zoey: Here you go, brother.

Spaceman-Duncan opens the case his sister gives him as he begins the meeting.

Spaceman-Duncan: Good, my food is here. Now we can begi-what's this?

Spaceman-Duncan takes out a pair of goggles put into the case. Spaceman-Zoey gives him a weak and fearful smile.

Spaceman-Zoey: I found them when looking for a good case. I remembered when you'd wear them all the time. I thought they'd look nice on y-

Spaceman-Duncan gets up and smacks Spaceman-Zoey across the face. He throws the goggles to the ground and smashes them with his foot.

Spaceman-Duncan: (in a very calm voice) If I wanted your opinions, I'd ask you. These goggles represent a time where we were oppressed by others. Those damn scarecrows would make us work day and night just to feed their hay obsession. I was forced to wear these things to keep hay out of my eyes.

Spaceman-Zoey isn't looking at Spaceman-Duncan. Rather, she is sobbing silently into her clothes.

Spaceman-Duncan sits down.

Spaceman-Duncan: In order to never be controlled again, we must destroy all those who pose a threat. And that's why we're meeting today.

Spaceman-Lewis: Thanks, Duncan. Now, we're here today to discuss a very dire matter.

Spaceman-Hannah: There is a traitor among us.

Spaceman-Zoey, who was picking up some scattered papers she was carrying, drops them in shock. No one notices.

Spaceman-Duncan: I've been doing some searching through all of the personal records-

Spaceman-Nilesy: WHAT?! You can't do that!

Spaceman-Duncan: I can and I did, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Spaceman-Nilesy sits down before he says something else.

Spaceman-Duncan: Going over the information, I have come to one conclusion. The person who's been sabotaging our efforts is, without a doubt-ZOEY!!!!

Spaceman-Zoey, out of shock, screams a little.

Spaceman-Duncan: (advancing on her) You thought I wouldn't notice, did you? You thought you'd slip past me. Well, I'll have you know you're not as sneaky as you'd like to think.

Spaceman-Duncan reaches into Zoey's pocket. He pulls out the shattered goggles and throws them across the room. Spaceman-Duncan sits back down.

Spaceman-Duncan: Forgive me. I was about to say that our true traitor is Nilesy!

Spaceman-Nilesy: DAFUQ?!

Spaceman-Duncan: You sympathize with your counterpart here. Deep down, you have a connection.

Spaceman-Nilesy: Woah woah woah, I'm NOT like my counterpart. He and I are nothing alike.

Suddenly, a flying car crashes through the wall. Spaceman-Zylus (wearing a brown spacesuit) stumbles out of the flying car.

Spaceman-Nilesy: Zylus, you f*cking moron piece of sh*t! I give you one f*cking job to drive one sh*tty car, and you can't even do that, you goddamn half-wit!

Spaceman-Duncan: I'm done with him. Rythian, go kill him.

Spaceman-Rythian, without thought or hesitation, pulls out a sword and moves towards Spaceman-Nilesy. Spaceman-Nilesy punches Spaceman-Rythian in the stomach and jumps out the window onto a speeding flying car.

Spaceman-Nilesy: (as the car goes off into the distance) You'll never catch me motherf*ckers!

Spaceman-Lewis: After him!

In the scramble of chairs, Spaceman-Zoey abandons her papers and runs into the hallway. She leans on the wall. She looks down and feels her legs. The cloth from her spacesuit is wet.

Spaceman-Zoey: Well, sh*t.

Part 13 next week.
